Sometimes it feels like Vancouver snow is becoming a more frequent occurrence. However, it is still novelty enough that it makes me want to blog when we have our first snowfall of the year.
I love snow, so I think snow in Vancouver is exciting. Especially now with kids - they are so fascinated by snow! We went to bed last night to heavy snowfall and woke up this morning to a few inches of snow on the ground. When Josh looked outside in the morning, he was thrilled to see the snow and wanted to go outside right away.
We managed to hold him off until after breakfast, but immediately after, we dug up his snowsuit, boots and Vancouver 2010 red mittens. We couldn't get the gear on fast enough! Brian went out with him and together, they shoveled the bit of snow on our sidewalk (I think Brian was using it as a training session for later on in the season!). After that, Josh made his first snow angel - and loved it! I think he just might be a snow person, just like his mommy.
I don't think Aves is quite ready for the snow yet. Mostly because I'm not ready yet with snow gear for her! We just hung out inside while Josh and Bri were outside. However, when it eventually came time to venture out for Elijah's birthday party, I fought Avery to get her coat and boots on (see what I mean about her not being ready for snow?!). In the end she looked SO cute I just had to get a picture (and I'm not sure how Bri got her to pose this way!).
The Disney princess fur coat was a gift from the Moffats and I LOVE it! Don't know that you would ever catch me wearing a white faux-fur coat, but on a toddler - SO adorable! Same as the UGG-style boots (courtesy of Maddy). I think of them as UGH boots - you wouldn't catch me dead wearing them. But on Aves, they were the cutest things ever! Now if only I could figure out a way to get the coat and boots on her that didn't involve tears, chasing and just general drama and hysterics...
Saturday, November 20, 2010
look out, carson kressley!
Occasionally, when we get dressed in the mornings, Josh asks to pick his clothes. Of course, we always let him. These days, he's big on "soft pants". Basically, sweat pants or fleece pants. I indulge him by buying that type of pant because I know he likes them.
For himself, of course, Josh picked out the softest black, fleece pants that he has and I'm not sure the reason for the red Paul Frank shirt, but at least he was colour co-ordinated! It's so interesting when kids start to evolve and form opinions and ideas about the way things are or should be. It make you wonder, "what are they thinking?!". I know that Carson Kressley would have much to say about Josh's fashion choices, but as his mom, I have to be less fashion-conscious and more esteem-conscious!
P.S. FYI, even though Bri is in the picture, Josh did NOT dress him!
This morning, he asked to dress himself, so I let him go upstairs and pick everything out by himself (underwear included!). Then, Brian went upstairs with Josh and Aves to get Aves dressed. When they came back down, Aves looked like above. Brian saw the "why is Aves wearing THAT?!" look on my face and before I could say anything, he said, "Mommy, guess who picked Aves clothes?". So, I asked, knowing very well at that point that Josh was the stylist du jour. He was very proud of himself and explained why he picked the brown "pumpkin" onesie to go under the green and white polka-dotted shirt. It was priceless. Who could change my fashion-victimized little girl after that?! Brian just lifted up the collar on her shirt to add a little juuj!
For himself, of course, Josh picked out the softest black, fleece pants that he has and I'm not sure the reason for the red Paul Frank shirt, but at least he was colour co-ordinated! It's so interesting when kids start to evolve and form opinions and ideas about the way things are or should be. It make you wonder, "what are they thinking?!". I know that Carson Kressley would have much to say about Josh's fashion choices, but as his mom, I have to be less fashion-conscious and more esteem-conscious!
P.S. FYI, even though Bri is in the picture, Josh did NOT dress him!
Monday, November 15, 2010
14, 15 and 16
I'm SO behind on posting, but I had to jump ahead with this one!
It was officially Josh's 4th birthday today, but we celebrated yesterday. Rather than confuse the issue and celebrate on both days, we just made yesterday his unofficial birthday.
We celebrated Josh's birthday this year by inviting family and a few friends for a playdate at Crash Crawly's. In his own words, Josh "loved my birthday". I love hearing him say stuff like that. He seemed to have so much fun and we love it when he gets his energy release!
Josh has changed amazingly in the past year. We've had our share of challenges and moments of brilliance. Just a year ago, Josh was still in diapers, sleeping in a crib and in swimming lessons with Dad. I realized recently that soon after he turned 3, we started potty training AND we moved him out of his crib and into a twin bed at the same time! It never seemed to phase him though!
Also in this past year, Josh reached a milestone where he no longer goes into classes with us. He is now on his own! It seems to be difficult keeping his focus in lessons - but his biggest success has been swimming. He loves to swim and is now working on his front floats and back floats unassisted. He has also tried gymnastics and trampoline - he loves trampoline but not so much the gymnastics part. And he had a ski lesson last Spring which he also loved. He does his share of music and hip hop classes at the Kids in Motion studio, which he always likes too.
Josh is such a social child that I never worry about him being in his classes without me. It makes me sad sometimes when I see that my child doesn't seem to depend on me that way, but I try to tell myself that the grass is always greener on the other side. I'm sure that having a shy child who clings to you also has it's share of challenges.
Josh started pre-school this past year. We started him at 2 days per week in the Spring and now he goes for a couple of hours 3 days per week. Just in the past few weeks, we have seen a big change in his desire to learn. His big thing these days is counting. He loves to count everything. I'm just amazed when we're out and about and I see him counting something out of the blue. He gets to 13 everytime, but then goes to 17. I'm not sure where 14, 15, and 16 went, but we're working on it!
He doesn't seem as interested in letters as much as numbers, but he always wants to know how words are written. When we write a word, he tries to sound it out by tracing the letters with his fingers. But he doesn't seem to be interested in relating letters to their individual sounds! Weird!
Josh has been quite talkative since he learned how to talk and, these days, the questions are non-stop. The "why?" question drives us nuts sometimes, but we always try to give him an answer. He has started story-telling as well! His stories crack me up and often don't make sense, but his imagination is great!
Behaviourially, Josh has given us MANY challenges. I think he went from terrible 2's to even more terrible 3's! When he turned 3, he seemed to be reaching his stride with our "new" family with Aves in it. Then, we threw him another loop by me going back to work and bringing Tess into our home to take care of the kids.
We think (and hope!) that the combination of terrible 3's, adjusting to this new family with Tess in it and my not being around 24/7 has made him really push and test us. Well, it's been working! He has definitely been pushing and testing! Some days, we find it so challenging trying to deal with his yelling, hitting and talking back. Other days, he is this brilliant, angelic child. We can't keep up!
I can truly say as amazing as it is to see Josh changing and growing, it is just as difficult for us to change and grow as parents. Not only is Josh learning new things from week to week, but he is teaching us new things, too. It is truly humbling to have a 4-year-old teaching an adult some life lessons about patience and disciplining!
But at the end of the day, when Josh and I are sitting on his bed, finishing a couple of stories at bedtime, he will kiss me on my lips, each cheek, each eyelid and several spots around my face. Then, Josh will say to me, "Mommy, your face is so big that I have lots of spots to kiss!". It's at that moment that I know why I love being a parent.
Happy 4th Birthday, Joshie! We love you more and more everyday...
It was officially Josh's 4th birthday today, but we celebrated yesterday. Rather than confuse the issue and celebrate on both days, we just made yesterday his unofficial birthday.
We celebrated Josh's birthday this year by inviting family and a few friends for a playdate at Crash Crawly's. In his own words, Josh "loved my birthday". I love hearing him say stuff like that. He seemed to have so much fun and we love it when he gets his energy release!
Josh has changed amazingly in the past year. We've had our share of challenges and moments of brilliance. Just a year ago, Josh was still in diapers, sleeping in a crib and in swimming lessons with Dad. I realized recently that soon after he turned 3, we started potty training AND we moved him out of his crib and into a twin bed at the same time! It never seemed to phase him though!
Also in this past year, Josh reached a milestone where he no longer goes into classes with us. He is now on his own! It seems to be difficult keeping his focus in lessons - but his biggest success has been swimming. He loves to swim and is now working on his front floats and back floats unassisted. He has also tried gymnastics and trampoline - he loves trampoline but not so much the gymnastics part. And he had a ski lesson last Spring which he also loved. He does his share of music and hip hop classes at the Kids in Motion studio, which he always likes too.
Josh is such a social child that I never worry about him being in his classes without me. It makes me sad sometimes when I see that my child doesn't seem to depend on me that way, but I try to tell myself that the grass is always greener on the other side. I'm sure that having a shy child who clings to you also has it's share of challenges.
Josh started pre-school this past year. We started him at 2 days per week in the Spring and now he goes for a couple of hours 3 days per week. Just in the past few weeks, we have seen a big change in his desire to learn. His big thing these days is counting. He loves to count everything. I'm just amazed when we're out and about and I see him counting something out of the blue. He gets to 13 everytime, but then goes to 17. I'm not sure where 14, 15, and 16 went, but we're working on it!
He doesn't seem as interested in letters as much as numbers, but he always wants to know how words are written. When we write a word, he tries to sound it out by tracing the letters with his fingers. But he doesn't seem to be interested in relating letters to their individual sounds! Weird!
Josh has been quite talkative since he learned how to talk and, these days, the questions are non-stop. The "why?" question drives us nuts sometimes, but we always try to give him an answer. He has started story-telling as well! His stories crack me up and often don't make sense, but his imagination is great!
Behaviourially, Josh has given us MANY challenges. I think he went from terrible 2's to even more terrible 3's! When he turned 3, he seemed to be reaching his stride with our "new" family with Aves in it. Then, we threw him another loop by me going back to work and bringing Tess into our home to take care of the kids.
We think (and hope!) that the combination of terrible 3's, adjusting to this new family with Tess in it and my not being around 24/7 has made him really push and test us. Well, it's been working! He has definitely been pushing and testing! Some days, we find it so challenging trying to deal with his yelling, hitting and talking back. Other days, he is this brilliant, angelic child. We can't keep up!
I can truly say as amazing as it is to see Josh changing and growing, it is just as difficult for us to change and grow as parents. Not only is Josh learning new things from week to week, but he is teaching us new things, too. It is truly humbling to have a 4-year-old teaching an adult some life lessons about patience and disciplining!
But at the end of the day, when Josh and I are sitting on his bed, finishing a couple of stories at bedtime, he will kiss me on my lips, each cheek, each eyelid and several spots around my face. Then, Josh will say to me, "Mommy, your face is so big that I have lots of spots to kiss!". It's at that moment that I know why I love being a parent.
Happy 4th Birthday, Joshie! We love you more and more everyday...
Josh loved riding the jeeps at Crash Crawly's
Josh's birthday cake, courtesy of Erin, was made to very specific
colour and candy detail requests by Josh!
Blowing out the birthday candle
A family shot
Back home and after a nap, it was present-opening time!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
dress up day
Josh has been asking me about our wedding photo lately. We have a big wedding photo hanging in our bedroom and each morning, Josh asks me about it - particularly my dress.
Josh also likes to peruse the Playmobil catalog. Who am I kidding?! Josh READS these catalogs every night before he goes to bed and in the morning, he tells me about all the Playmobil sets he wants. It's actually a brilliant marketing strategy by Playmobil to include a catalog with every one of their toys!
Anyway, lately, Josh has been asking for items in the Wedding scene of Playmobil. I figure this is going hand in hand with him seeing our wedding photo every morning (why he is in our bedroom EVERY morning is a completely different story!).
I was telling my girlfriend this the other day and she suggested that I do a dress up day with him and PUT ON my wedding dress. I thought this was hilarious. I haven't worn my wedding dress since 10-10-04. Seriously. But I asked Josh if he wanted to do a dress up day and he said a very enthusiastic YES, so I obliged.
The creator of the corseted wedding dress is a genius because my wedding dress STILL fits. The gap at the back might be a bit bigger (hahaha!) but who's looking anyway?! Josh had a blast seeing me in my dress (and the 20 minutes it took for Brian to do it up!). He even insisted that I put on the veil!
Aves, however, was not so excited. In fact, she cried! I hope it wasn't a reflection of how I looked in the dress, but rather a realization that all the crinoline in the skirt prevented her from getting close to me!
Josh also likes to peruse the Playmobil catalog. Who am I kidding?! Josh READS these catalogs every night before he goes to bed and in the morning, he tells me about all the Playmobil sets he wants. It's actually a brilliant marketing strategy by Playmobil to include a catalog with every one of their toys!
Anyway, lately, Josh has been asking for items in the Wedding scene of Playmobil. I figure this is going hand in hand with him seeing our wedding photo every morning (why he is in our bedroom EVERY morning is a completely different story!).
I was telling my girlfriend this the other day and she suggested that I do a dress up day with him and PUT ON my wedding dress. I thought this was hilarious. I haven't worn my wedding dress since 10-10-04. Seriously. But I asked Josh if he wanted to do a dress up day and he said a very enthusiastic YES, so I obliged.
The creator of the corseted wedding dress is a genius because my wedding dress STILL fits. The gap at the back might be a bit bigger (hahaha!) but who's looking anyway?! Josh had a blast seeing me in my dress (and the 20 minutes it took for Brian to do it up!). He even insisted that I put on the veil!
Aves, however, was not so excited. In fact, she cried! I hope it wasn't a reflection of how I looked in the dress, but rather a realization that all the crinoline in the skirt prevented her from getting close to me!
Monday, August 30, 2010
the iphone 4 is here! i think...
It was suggested by a friend that I do a blog post about my thoughts on the iPhone 4. I haven't compiled my thoughts yet, but I will say this:
After passing by the Apple Store in Pacific Centre today and seeing a long line-up to get the iPhone 4 a month after they were introduced in Canada, I feel pretty damn lucky that my local Telus store called me up when they had a few in stock and I was able to run right down and get one.
And it has put Telus a little further down on my mental list of things I have to change in my life...
After passing by the Apple Store in Pacific Centre today and seeing a long line-up to get the iPhone 4 a month after they were introduced in Canada, I feel pretty damn lucky that my local Telus store called me up when they had a few in stock and I was able to run right down and get one.
And it has put Telus a little further down on my mental list of things I have to change in my life...
Monday, August 16, 2010
Happy Birthday, Bri!
I squeaked this one in just in the nick of time! Actually, I didn't. I missed it by 7 minutes, so I had to doctor it.
In any case, the point is to wish Brian a Happy Birthday. We had a fun evening with San, the kids and San's parents. Thanks for coming over and celebrating with us!
I won't say how old Brian is (hey, wait a minute...) because it doesn't really matter. He will always be young at heart and that's one of the things I love about him. Happy Birthday, Baby - I love you!

In any case, the point is to wish Brian a Happy Birthday. We had a fun evening with San, the kids and San's parents. Thanks for coming over and celebrating with us!
I won't say how old Brian is (hey, wait a minute...) because it doesn't really matter. He will always be young at heart and that's one of the things I love about him. Happy Birthday, Baby - I love you!
playing the game
How do we know Aves is going to be a handful? At 15 months, she is already playing the game - complete with drama! Check out this sequence of events:
Aves, you're making a mess with your juice!

Now I have to wipe up your face...

Daddy, I didn't like that...

In fact, my life is over because you wiped my face!

Aves, your life is over - I feel your pain!!

Oh Dada, you're such a drama queen!
Aves, you're making a mess with your juice!
Now I have to wipe up your face...
Daddy, I didn't like that...
In fact, my life is over because you wiped my face!
Aves, your life is over - I feel your pain!!
Oh Dada, you're such a drama queen!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
lotsa camping, part 5 of 5!
So, here is a collage of photos from our camping blitz! Unfortunately, we didn't take very many photos, but something is better than nothing!
In case you're wondering, Nikita far prefers camping at the Provincial parks to the RV parks. At the RV parks, the sites are stacked one on top of another so we keep Nikita on-leash all the time. At the Provincial park, the sites are spread out enough that we can let Nikita off-leash and she will generally stay on our site. Also, Cultus Lake was PERFECT for Nikita because they have a designated dog beach.
We haven't yet found an ideal way to travel with Nikita and the trailer. When we put her in her crate in the trailer, we can hear her whining from outside. When she's in the truck with us, she's squished between the kid's car seats. One more logistic to think about as we slowly improve our camping experience...
In case you're wondering, Nikita far prefers camping at the Provincial parks to the RV parks. At the RV parks, the sites are stacked one on top of another so we keep Nikita on-leash all the time. At the Provincial park, the sites are spread out enough that we can let Nikita off-leash and she will generally stay on our site. Also, Cultus Lake was PERFECT for Nikita because they have a designated dog beach.
We haven't yet found an ideal way to travel with Nikita and the trailer. When we put her in her crate in the trailer, we can hear her whining from outside. When she's in the truck with us, she's squished between the kid's car seats. One more logistic to think about as we slowly improve our camping experience...
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