It was a much different experience than the last time I went. I actually never spent any time in the kiddie villages before and, this time, we spent most of our time in Hanna-Barbera Land and KidZVille. The 3 moms took the 4 little kids (and baby), while the 3 big kids, along with their Sugi cousin, went on all the..."fun" rides.
There were many new rides since the last time I went to Wonderland - some I would have liked to try, but others, I could definitely do without. It may sound strange, but I find since I've had kids, I can't go on any spinning rides anymore. I can't say definitively what it is, but I know a ride that I can't stomach when I see it!
The moms actually made an attempt to ride the Behemoth before the park closed (yes, the 3 moms, 8 kids and a baby actually stayed until the park closed at 10pm!), but we got there too late. I guess my roller coaster days are over until my kids are a bit bigger.
All the kids had a BLAST. I can't believe that Josh actually lasted from noon (when we finally got in the park) until 10pm! He wasn't afraid of any of the rides and he LOVED the water park. Many firsts for him that day including a water slide, a roller coaster and a candy apple! Here are some photos and videos of the day's fun. Unfortunately, the baby that sleeps in the stroller or on mommy doesn't get any face time - sorry, Avypie!

Our caravan of strollers (yes, Josh is in a pink stroller - don't ask!)

Sugi cousin, J, and L on a "big kid" ride that spins them around and upside down (don't they all?!)

DB and N on the same ride

Josh, Big H and C on the "little kid" version of the same ride! (Little H was napping.)

It's fun being up high!

Hi, Mommy! I'm on the Jumpin' Jet!

It went up high, but it was slow and I kinda think the kids were bored!

The hot air balloon ride (Little H still sleeps...)

Josh's beloved water slide.


I think Josh enjoyed the warm pool at the end of the slide just as much as the slide!

Big H did a few slides, but it was FREEZING!

Little H had just woke up from her nap. She did one slide and decided it was WAY too cold!

C, like Josh, didn't seem to be affected by the cold!

Together, they closed down the water park!

C and Big H could not get enough of the roller coaster! They must of went on it at least half a dozen times!

Look Ma, no hands!

Even Josh and Little H braved the roller coaster...and loved it! Unfortunately, it was the only coaster that the moms got to go on!
OMG! Love the pics!!! I'm so sad cause my camera got stolen, along with all of my C. Wonderland pics!!
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