I never actually thought that taking Josh out of his "routine" would affect him that much. But I think that being here has been an adjustment for him and it manifests itself in naughty behaviour that I'm having trouble dealing with! Josh hasn't actually said that he misses home, but he constantly asks to go home and to go to Nana's house and L's house (his cousin in Pitt Meadows). It makes me quite sad to see it.
Missing home, coupled with the fact that we don't go out much (so Josh gets bored), is a perfect recipe for naughtiness! Don't get me wrong, there is lots to do here! My parent's have lots of toys and a toy room. There is 2 acres of property here and a playground down the street. But we haven't actually been going out and doing lots of activities. I'd like to take Josh to Ontario Place, the Science Centre, the Zoo, the CN Tower, African Lion Safari, etc., but it just hasn't happened. The weather also hasn't been great here. I'm not sure what has happened to summer in Toronto!
But we've had lots of fun doing the stuff that we've done! Josh has experienced lots of new things and he's had a blast. We went to Chuck E. Cheese with his cousins and it was sensory overload! There was so much going on that Josh didn't know where to start! We also went to the Fantasy Fair at Woodbine Centre and that was great! The kids are only 2.5, 3 and 5, so the Fantasy Fair was perfect for them! All 3 kids could go on all the rides, so there were no tears or anger. They loved the carousel, the bumper boats and the planes. I don't have those photos here, so I'll have to post them later.
We also went to Ribfest at the Markham Fairgrounds and that was yummy! There was good food for the adults and Josh got to go on a wagon ride and some other rides in the midway. I must say that the options of festivals and shows for the family in the summer is MUCH better here in Toronto. I'm wondering why we don't have any Ribfests in Vancouver?! On any given weekend, there are a plethora of activities to choose from here! (We just haven't been going to them!) It'll be great to spend some time here when the kids are a bit older and can really enjoy (and remember!) the fun!
As for me, I hoped to do more visiting with friends than I actually did. Sorry, guys! It's hard to make plans when you live 50km out of the city, don't have regular access to a car and have to tote around 2 kids! I'm glad that we got to spend time with the friends that we did see and I hope everyone enjoyed meeting the kids and catching up.
I'm also happy that I got a chance to spend some time with my family. In addition to Mom and Dad, we got to spend alot of time with Larry, Sandra and the kids and Lenny and Tini. Since Larry and Lenny are so much younger than the rest of my siblings (6 years younger than me), I never spent much time with them after I left home for university. It's been nice spending time with them and getting a chance to really talk with Sandra and Tini (and watch Bachelorette! Hahaha...).
The best part about going home - I'm sure you guessed! - is that I miss Brian and Nikita like CRAZY. Bri and I talk every night, but it's not the same. He came out here for a long weekend at the end of June (the day after Josh got his stitches) and it was a wonderful but short visit. He's been working on "projects" at home and wants to surprise us, so I can't wait to see it! I'm looking forward to settling in back home and being a family again!
So, with a week left, we are looking forward to my sister's family joining us here in Toronto. All the Liem cousins will be together again! We are planning to go to Canada's Wonderland if the weather is good to us. We also have a couple of visits with friends, so we seem to have a busy week ahead!
Next time I write, it will likely be from Vancouver. In the meantime, here are some photos of our visit here in Toronto:

Mom and Dad's place

Little H and Sandra spending time with Avery

Larry reads to the kids

Playing in Grammy's pool in the backyard

Big H is a sweetie...

...and Little H is a cutie pie

Josh and Little H during one of their "good" playing moments

Joshie is working the "restaurant" at the playground. That's my coffee he's holding in his hands!

Joshie loves to climb

The girls!

Who's the baby again?!

Grammy takes a well-deserved rest!

Oma Poeny and Opa George come for a visit

Look at the horses, Mommy!

Those horses are BIG, Uncle Lenny!

Mmmm...now THESE are ribs...Flinstone-style!

Tina and Tini with Josh and N - those boys are a handful!
You know that you're addicted to Bachelorette now. Don't try to deny it! ♥
Yvette, tks for the nice photos. Hope u get to Vancouver OK with DD, and kids? Pls be careful with the dog and the baby, OK? I heard about some "hungry" dogs, that do not get along w/ new baby, over here. Take care, loves, Eve.
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