Brian and the "kids" gave me the BEST mother’s day gift that I think any mom (of a newborn) could ask for. They gave me 6 hours of continuous sleep! It was SO nice. Avery has been strictly breastfeeding and the night before Mom's Day, I pumped instead and Brian gave her the milk, bottled, at her 4am feeding. I got to sleep from 1am to 7am without waking up AT ALL! Brian said she did really well on the bottle – she finished everything that I pumped in about 15 minutes. I was SO happy to hear that and SO happy to feed her at 7am, feeling a tad bit engorged! Hahaha...
It's funny how quickly we adapt because when I woke up, I didn't feel like I had been sleeping for 6 hours. In fact, I felt like I could sleep for 6 more hours! But through the day, I felt like I had energy and I didn't need to take any naps! I'm SO looking forward to the days when I'm getting 6 hours of continuous sleep again...
We had a really nice Mother's Day. Josh gave me my Mother's Day gift in the morning and said, "Happy Birthday". Hahaha...He also gave my mom her Grammy's Day gift. We all went for dimsum in the late morning and then we spent the gorgeous afternoon outside doing some gardening. In the late afternoon, Nana came over too, so Josh and Avery got to spend their Mom's Day with their mom and both their grandma's. It was perfect!
I hope all you moms had a fabulous Mother's Day. You are ALL my heroes. I don't know any work that is harder than being a mother. I know that even though it's worth it, it sometimes seems like an unappreciated effort. Well, just remember that EVERY OTHER mom appreciates what you do (and, eventually, your kids will appreciate it too!). Happy Mother's Day!
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