Tuesday, March 25, 2008

you are getting sleepy...

There is no particular reason for me posting these photos except that they are pretty freaking hilarious. Brian is KNOWN for being able to fall asleep anywhere. It really is quite a talent.

In 2004, we were racing in the Victoria Dragon Boat Festival and we shared a room with the Edzel's (aka Ed and Liezel). One of them took this photo of Brian and I conked out on our bed after a long day of racing and probably a few drinks with dinner.

I know it's not one of my finest sleeping moments, but at least I'm fully laying on the bed! Check Brian out! I think he fell asleep watching tv! Literally. He was probably watching tv one second and sleeping the next! And he's not even drunk!

Here is a better view of his positioning. Truly talented, I tell ya...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh yes ... that would be me behind the lens. could not pass on such a perfect shot!