We finally have a photo to share of baby Dop Van Dop. Already looks like baby Dop has my nose! Ai-yah! Needless to say, we weren't told Dop's gender, so we'll have to wait a couple of weeks for another ultrasound. It was very exciting watching the baby move around in my stomach. He/she is an active little one - takes after his/her dad! Hahaha...We haven't been able to feel the baby's movement yet through my uterus (that's a Navarik joke!) but we're told that we will start to feel it soon.
The u/s technician said that according to Dop's measurements, he/she weighs in at about 10 oz. This makes me wonder why I have gained 15 lbs! At 20 weeks now, I am finally reaching the end of wearing my "normal" clothes. The pants that used to fit "loosely" are now uncomfortably tight. I also now know why they design maternity pants to not have zippers/buttons/ties in the front...it's because you can't see it to do it up anyway!
Stay tuned as we find out more about little Dop...
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