Last week, Brian's sister, Renee, found out via ultrasound that they are going to have twins - a boy and a girl! To me, it's like a small miracle all over again. I'm sure that the prospect of having twins is quite daunting to the parents. I can't imagine. But no matter what, there is an air of excitement that it brings and the Van Dop's are thrilled to be welcoming twins into the family. Congratulations Renee and Geoff!

DATE: 3/22/2006 9:50:23 PM
Opa and Nana are tickled pink and so looking forward the arrival of "the twins", as is all the family. Happy parenting, Renee and Geoff!
DATE: 3/27/2006 7:43:32 PM
Thanks tons for posting our great news! We are excited beyond words(and a little scared). We are building a bigger home and buying a minivan to accomidate our growing family. Thank-you to our extended family for all thier support and prayers.
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