1. What is something mommy always says to you?
Yes2. What makes you happy?
3. What makes you sad?
4. What makes you laugh?
5. How old are you?
6. How old is Mommy?
7. How old is Daddy?
8. What is your favourite thing to do?
Play with my skateboards and this [flicking a box with his finger]
9. Who is your best friend?
10. What do you want to be when you grow up?
11. What are you really good at?
Brooming the floor
12. What are you not very good at?
Cleaning up
13. What did you do today?
Played on the monkey bars across to the school and...(it was a very LONG story and I couldn't keep up!)
14. What is your favourite food?
15. What is your favourite song?
The monkey song [and he went on to sing a song he totally made about about a monkey that climbed up a tree and swung on a vine!]
16. What do you want for (holiday or birthday) this year?
A yellow mini-van car
17. What is your favourite animal?
18. What is love?
19. What does mommy/daddy do for work?
(Mommy) - Talk at the office [while pretending to peck on a keyboard with his fingers]
20. Where do you live?
21. Where is your favourite place to go?
Josh: The toy store...no...what is that store with all the toys?
Dad: Toys'r'Us?!
Josh: Yeah! Toys'r'Us. Mommy, I want to go to Toys'r'Us and pick a toy that I want, OK?
so adorable Vet, I am going ask my two the same questions.
awww, joshie is so articulate! i think if i asked dani id get some garbled answer in a range of (made up?) words in many languages.
How cute is that!! :)
Yvette, thats great, at 4? Can he read or you asked him? Miss ya, Josh. oma eve.
Ok, did this with Elijah. His answers are on the blog. http://wonggers.blogspot.com/2011/01/21-questions-with-elijah.html
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