When I'm preparing food or cooking in the kitchen, Josh likes to pull up his stool and watch or help. Today, I was cooking and Josh stood on the stool at the counter beside me. He discovered that there is a whole new world of "toys" on the countertop! He started pulling things off the drying rack for baby bottles and such. Next thing I know, he's doing this:
Josh is almost 3 and has shown absolutely NO interest in the potty. No worries, though. I'm not up for a potty battle yet, so I figure we'll wait until he's ready. So, we were shocked today at the dinner table when Josh said he wanted to sit on the potty! He said he didn't want to sit on the "little potty" but he wanted to sit on the "grown-up potty". Of course, we took him because he was showing interest! Well, he sat there for 45 minutes. All the while, one of us was entertaining him - reading books, playing with toys. At one point, he asked for his guitar. Ha! Playing guitar on the potty...freaking hilarious...