1. I think it will be interesting to look back and see what I liked at the time and say, "what was I thinking?!".
2. I want to share things that I've found that I've been really excited about!
I don't want to clutter this with stuff that I've loved for years (e.g. Paris, sushi, etc.) or the obvious (e.g. Brian, Josh, Nikita, etc). I'm just going to post about stuff I've discovered or re-discovered in the past few months that I was really excited about. Since this is the first list, I may babble a bit, but here goes...
#1 Whittards cherry blossom tea - Liezel is my tea connoisseur and she introduced me to this tea. I love it. I take it with a lump of sugar and it's perfect. It's a white tea, and I'm not sure what the deal is with white. I usually drink pretty normal black teas like English Breakfast or Empress Afternoon and I usually add milk and sugar. I also drink green tea, to which I never add anything. This cherry blossom tea is a nice, refreshingly light tea that you can sip on it's own. I typically like to have tea with food, but I enjoy this one much more on it's own so I can enjoy it's fragrance. The drawback with this tea (for me) is that I think you have to go to the UK to buy it. I checked their Web-site and I can't seem to find a "cherry blossom" tea (this particular one is a teabag tea, not loose). Liezel is going back to London shortly and I've asked her to bring some back for me. Cross my fingers that they still have it!

#5 Grey's Anatomy - I know I said that I was wasting away in tv-land, but I can't stop watching Grey's Anatomy! I was going to make the "thing I'm into" more generic - tv series' on DVD, but really, it's the Grey's that I'm into right now. I never watched it when it first aired and I recall that people said it was good. We started watching it religiously in Season 3 when they had the big ferry boat accident, so we're all caught up from there. I was told that the series started out better than it has been recently (especially since Isaiah Washington left), so we decided to watch it from scratch. I think that we've missed alot of the explosive drama because we're watching it knowing how it ends, but it's still good drama. I understand now why people are getting tired of Meredith and Derek's on-again-off-again relationship. And it will be interesting to see where they take Season 5, given that the last season finale was sort of a happy ending. Not like the end of Season 1 where Meredith and Derek are happily in love and Addison walks in for the first time! THAT was drama! I would have hated waiting until September if I watched when it first aired. So, the Grey's thing is almost over, but I've already had recommendations for our next TV series on DVD - Battlestar Galactica, Huff, Lost, Deadwood...
#6 Google Analytics - my co-workers hooked their blogs up to Google Analytics and I thought it was interesting so I tried it out. Well, I'm hooked. It's a bit freaky, actually. I'm trying to figure out who's checking out my blog in Kentucky! Were they one of the people that found my site in a search engine? And why were they searching for "mini zee" or "satc season 7" or "why does my dog stink?" or, most suspiciously, why were they searching for "motorcycle racer brian van"?! Google Analytics tells you all this. It tells me that my site has had 115 visits since I "hooked it up" on June 23rd and while the majority of visits are from Canadian locations (mostly Vancouver), I've had several visits from locations in the US, UK and Australia. Cool! It makes me nervous what I'm posting now that I have evidence that complete strangers are reading my blog!
1 comment:
Remember, I have Huff season 1 on dvd. You MUST borrow it from me. Seriously. Come and get it TODAY. It is so good.
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