Elijah, Owen and Josh are all in the same swim class. It's funny to see how all 3 babies are completely different! It's fun to watch all three of them react to the water. Josh is definitely having the hardest time with the class. I'm not sure if it's just too late for him (our classes are in the evenings) or if his lack of chubbiness makes the water really cold for him, but when we get in the water with him, he clings to us for dear life. And he's pretty cranky each time we start a new exercise.
Which brings me to a question: Can babies be afraid of the water? I mean, can babies really be afraid of anything at this point, except maybe falling down? I am dumbfounded by the fact that Josh is freaked out by the caterpillar on the Baby Einstein DVD's. It's so cute and non-threatening! Originally, he would wail when we started the DVD's and we couldn't figure out why. We finally realized it was the caterpillar and now I have to have him on my lap when the DVD starts. Once the caterpillar passes he can sit on his own, mesmerized by the rest of the DVD. It makes me wonder what he has experienced in his short, 8-month life that makes him cry at a colourful, animated caterpillar...
1 comment:
Well, call me prejudiced, but I definitely think Joshie is the cutest of the bunch!! And I think that with time, he'll adjust just fine to the water experience and end up being an Olympic Swimmer--that's Nana-speak for 'wait and see!' Love him to pieces....
Love, Nana
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