Every parent knows that a child's naptime is glorious downtime. So, when I wake up in the morning and I am already exhausted, I know that I just have to make it to naptime. I typically use naptime to either get stuff done or recharge my batteries.
Today was the first day both our kids did not have a nap. Needless to say, I am exhausted. Aves is pretty exhausted too. She is giddy and bumping into stuff. It's pretty cute, actually.
Aves has been saying "no nap" for the last couple of weeks but we've still been able to get her down. Today, she absolutely refused. I lay in her room with her for 1.5 hours but to no avail. How is it that a 2.5-year-old does not nap?! Josh JUST stopped napping about a month ago. He's almost 5! And even then, he still passes out from exhaustion occasionally.
I know that kids don't nap forever, but they have been insofar as my parenting lifetime. And it seems like 2.5 years is so young to not nap! I know Aves will likely still have naps here and there, but since she's been fighting it for the past couple of weeks, I feel like this is the beginning of the end. So, we will try to gracefully transition into the next chapter in this book of parenting - adapting to life with no naps. Sigh...
P.S. The silver lining in all of this, of course, is that Aves did not complain at all when it was FINALLY bedtime!
I'm shocked when I ask Josh what his favourite food is, he says "sushi and dim sum". I guess I really shouldn't be shocked since the availability and quality of both is quite high in Vancouver. (My dad often comments that Josh was born in the wrong country because of his palate.)
I was doubly shocked today when Aves asked to try toro sashimi. She liked it.
The reality is: with a 2.5 year-old and a 5 year-old, our sushi nights just got a tad more expensive.
Have I mentioned that Josh JUST learned to ride a bike?! The boy seems to have no fear when it comes to his bike. I can't seem to get him to watch a movie with even the most benign scary scene, but put him on a bike and he doesn't seem to know the word fear.
We are visiting the Bush's this weekend in Vernon (and, might I add, having a fabulous time!). The Bush boys are always talking about the BMX track and the skate park so, of course, Josh just needs to go. I must admit, I was quite nervous. I didn't really know what to expect. Bri usually takes on these situations.
But Josh rocked it. He knew what he wanted to do and what he didn't want to do (he didn't want to start the track from the "real" start line that was quite a steep drop). And when he fell, he got right back up and kept going. Mom is very impressed and very proud. Way to go, Joshie!
And not to be outdone by a 4-year-old, this 40-year-old had to jump on a bike (that belongs to Evan, who is 8!) and have a go on the BMX track for the first time ever.
Note: In the video, I called the kid who passed me a 10-year-old. He was actually only 7!